From Dreamers to Doers with Beth Logo


by | Mar 23, 2021

I’m Beth Hale

I’ll believe in your dreams even when you can’t and will be by your side until they become reality. You’ll find me working from rooftops with bubbles, my home office with a cup of tea and jumping round the world working to make sure I can support you in the best way possible. 
You’ve got this!

Who do you want to be? And are you making the right decisions to head in the optimal direction to achieve this? An unbeatable decision-making ‘GPS’ when faced with questions like this is a Word of the Year. It may be unsurprising Trust and Sanity are the words that got me through last year.

Your Word of the Year is a reminder of what you value; a focal point to keep you headed in the right direction and making decisions that are authentically you.

Join me in this episode as I guide you through using and choosing one Word to help you with every decision you face.

We will talk about:

  • Deciding on your values and direction
  • Asking the right questions to get to the right places
  • What’s going to help you take action
  • Real life examples from people around the world
  • Embracing your thinking place

Having a Word of the Year can make a transformative difference to your outlook and it’s not too late to choose one. Keep it on a post-it note, keep it close to your chest, or display it for everyone to see!

Your word is a consistent reminder that this is your baseline for the year.

Want a guide for choosing your word that you can print out and refer to? Click here to grab your free Podcast on a Page to help figure out what it is you want to value most for this year.


(02:56) Restrictive resolutions
(03:40) Trust (& Sanity!)
(08:53) Your words of the year
(15:49) Asking the right questions
(17:35) Who do you want to be this year?


"What's going to capture the essence of what you want to accomplish?" - Beth Hale. From Dreamers to Doers podcast.